Sharp hooks stay sharp.


One application. One result.


100% eco-friendly ingredients.


One application. One result. No more rusty hook points!

With / Without

These images show two hooks simultaneously placed side by side in salt water. After 4 weeks, the hook with ZR treatment is good as new, the other is totally destroyed.

Without ZR

With ZR

As an angler that swears by the use of sharpened hooks, the ZR is a game changer!

Greg Wallis - Kent

I can't cast out without this stuff now. No more doubts about retaining hook sharpness in lake water.

Kev Jones - Cambridge

Step 1

Shake the bottle.

This will activate the liquid.

Step 2

Unscrew the bottle cap.

Removing the lid will reveal the appliaction brush.

Step 3

Apply the ZR treatment.

Carefully coat the sharpened area of your hook and allow to dry for 60 seconds.

Think about your hooks!

Have you ever considered what happens to those beautifully sharpened points once theyre submerged in lake water?

Will sharpened hooks rust?

Without ZR, Yes.

With ZR, No.

Will sharpened hooks lose sharpness?

Without ZR, Yes.

With ZR, No.

FAQ - We're here to help!

Here's a few questions we're oftened asked, and the simple answers to them.

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